Bulletproof Mafia... bul·let·proof: NOT subject to correction or modification 2 : INVINCIBLE / Ma·fia : a secret society 2 : a group of people of similar interests prominent in a particular field. In our world this is for the doers, the creators, the bad-asses that get it done! We are the Generals, the Alphas, that small percent who rise when others crumble. We are true entrepreneurs… Michael teaches about life, about business and all sorts of other interesting topics.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Facts, Feelings, or Fiction
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
On this episode of Bulletproof Mafia, we discuss how addressing the "hard facts" inside of your day to day conversations and business interactions can yield better results versus operating from a place of fiction and feeling. As humans, we naturally have an emotional pull to every decision we make and if we are able to remove feelings from the decision making process we can operate and communicate more efficiently and clearly.
The Bulletproof Mafia is the digital handbook that helps you get your mind right in the game of business!! Now go get yours!

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Don't Forget Your Hat!
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Today we have special guest Dalton O'Donnell, Sales Ninja and my son-in-law to be! We discuss the different hats one must wear inside of the sales process as well as inside of everyday life. By understanding that words carry weight, you can control every element of the sale and ultimately, enhance your ability to fluently communicate.
The Bulletproof Mafia is the digital handbook that helps you get your mind right in the game of business!! Now go get yours!

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Why Playing Fortnite and Dungeons and Dragons Makes You A Dork!
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
In this episode we discuss how in life, much like Fortnite and other RPGs, in order to win the game it takes an acquired skill set. You have to be able to level up and reach for new, low hanging fruit. Nobody ever makes it to the ultimate level being comfortable with mediocrity. Through networking and self help, rather that be podcast like this one or literature (ebooks, online research, etc), you can position yourself to compete at the highest level and be qualified to win and separate yourself from the pack!
Also, we want to know you guy's opinion. In the beginning of this podcast you heard the new "BulletProof" theme and at the end we have placed the "Money Moves" theme you guys are familiar with. We want to know which vibe you all are enjoying more, so be sure to drop a comment here or head over to the Instagram (@mjmunsterman) and let us know your favorite!
The Bulletproof Mafia is the digital handbook that helps you get your mind right in the game of business!! Now go get yours!

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Dave Ramsey's Roadmap to Broke!
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Starting with the new original joint by the only EEMS... Followed with Michael passionately describing why he thinks Dave Ramsey is the perfect elementary financial educator. He explains and also shares why he thinks you should focus on the life you are living now as well as the absolute only reason to save money.
The Bulletproof Mafia was formed to help you the entrepreneur bulletproof your mind, body, family and your business! Enjoy.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Cheating is ok! Oh and 2nd grade sucked!
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Teachers have been lying to you your entire life. They say keep your eyes on your own paper.. Michael says cheat if you can! You will have to listen to Michael's explanation in order to understand why you should throw out all of the old rules.
The Bulletproof Mafia is the digital handbook that helps you get your mind right in the game of business!! Now go get yours!

Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Being married to an entrepreneur.
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
In this episode Michael is graced with the presence of his amazing wife Joy! This is such a fun episode as they share what it has been like being married through the exciting ride of entrepreneurship.
If you want to be successful in the hustle you need to be successful in the house! A sneak peak at the conversations that helped them survive growing a ton of really fun and profitable companies!
Bulletproof Mafia is a podcast about protecting and fortifying the things that matter most to you in this life. Things like your mind, your body, your spirit, and your family!

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Phillip (EEMS) Jackson jumps on the other side of the camera!
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Michael and EEMS rap about life, music, business and what it is like to try to reach our ideal customers. Phillip is the creative mind behind the intro song, video editing and so much more! His official title in the organization of Bulletproof Mafia is the "Predator" Pre-Production-Editor…
The Bulletproof Mafia is designed to spear entrepreneurs out of fear and into action by ushering them through the process of bulletproofing their business and emotional IQ...

Monday Mar 25, 2019
Questions Answered and Some Other Ramblings
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
How much is a basketball worth? Where is happiness found? Why Michael Won't ever make millions in the "Rap Game" (Don't tell him that) and much more.
A lighter episode which will definately spark some fun thoughts and intrigue your mind.
The Bulletproof Mafia is designed to spear entrepreneurs out of fear and into action by ushering them through the process of bulletproofing their business and emotional IQ...

Friday Mar 22, 2019
You're a liar and I'm the bad guy?!
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
One of the things you never want to do... Piss off a guy that has a podcast!
In this episode Michael talks about the degradation of society as it was demonstrated inside of his dealership and how as parents we have a responsibility to raise children who are better humans than we are ourselves.
The Bulletproof Mafia is designed to spear entrepreneurs out of fear and into action by ushering them through the process of bulletproofing their business and emotional IQ...

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Russell Brunson and the Epiphany Bridge
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
What starts out as an explanation of why websites are dead ends in why he created Money Moves, why he changed it up to the Bulletproof Mafia, how he intends to impact business owners and entrepreneurs all while sharing his Epiphany Bridge.
Inside of that Michael shares what drove him out of retirement at the age of 35.
The Bulletproof Mafia is designed to spear entrepreneurs out of fear and into action by ushering them through the process of bulletproofing their business and emotional IQ...
Special thanks to Russell Brunson and his click funnels team for spearheading my epiphany bridge.
Episode number 60!! What?! Thanks for Listening.